Decreasing waste and increasing happiness through an umbrella share

"In Pittsburgh it says it's not going to rain, and then it does... I wish I carried my umbrella."
With the unpredictable weather in Pittsburgh, the city has seen an increase in environmental waste with broken umbrellas & also increasing levels of depression. To enhance the neighborhood through enchanted objects & Iot we designed Brello. Brello is an umbrella share that allows users to light up other members day using bluetooth and RFID tags. It's all about sharing an experience with a stranger in the gloomy weather and lighting up their day!

Research, Design, & Hardware Tinker  

6 people; 3 weeks

Type Iot Ideate coursework

Brello's Service

An umbrella share that allows you to light up other umbrellas around you using RFID, bluetooth and gps.

How it works: 3 components overview



3.Brello Box Station

Social Interaction: Opt out of service

Main Screens

My Role

Qin & I focused on creating the interaction between umbrellas and the humans controlling it.

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